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Bagolini Lorgnette

Bagolini Lorgnette

Bagolini striated lenses presented in a convenient lorgnette. Lenses aligned at 45 and 135 degrees. Useful for assessing sensory fusion.

Randot Special Edition Stereo Test

Randot Special Edition Stereo Test

This test is recommended in lectures by Baltimore Academy for Behavioral Optometry. The Original Randot stereotest tests and evaluates stereo depth perception for both gross stereopsis evaluation, including a multiple-choice series which tests fine depth discrimination down to 20 sec. Includes:• Multiple-choice series which tests fine depth discrimination with a range of 400 sec of […]

Vision Therapy Starter System

Vision Therapy Starter System

Provides a large selection of products useful in testing and training the most common vision training problems. Includes accommodative difficulties, poor fusional ranges, high phorias, exercises for strabismics, unresponsive & difficult to test patients. Red/Green slides or targets are used with Red/Green glasses providing Base-In, Base-Out training, Tranaglyph slides offer true space testing & training […]

Bernell Vergence Facility Prism Test

Bernell Vergence Facility Prism Test

Vergence Facility Prism A good binocular screening device. Performed at a distance of 40 cm with a target of 20/30. Most normal patients can cycle between these prims 15/minute. Those with difficulty should be more thoroughly tested. 12D Base-Out and 3D Base-In. Prism is 1.5 inches square.

Bernell Accomodation Convergence Rule

Bernell Accomodation Convergence Rule

Used to test & train monocular, binocular, accommodation, and rock. Trains convergence using physiological diplopia as the control on suppression. Features four scales: dioptric values, duane age, centimeters, and inches. Made of durable plastic with engraved black numbers. 21″ long. 7/16″ square. Kit Includes:• Accommodation Convergence Rule• Slide Card Holder• Two cards

Bernell Fresnel Page Magnifier

Bernell Fresnel Page Magnifier

Deluxe rigid frame full page magnifier with 2x power acrylic Fresnel lens that is both study and shatterproof. Ideal for reading large areas of small print. Size: 8-1/2″ x 11″

Bernell Tv Antisuppresive Training Set – Pair

Bernell Tv Antisuppresive Training Set - Pair

TV Anti-supressive Training (VTE) Anaglyphic filters in primary colors (red-green) in the following sizes:– 1 pair of 15 x 20 cm (6″ x 8″)– 1 pair of 20 x 30 cm (8″ x 12″) Sold in 2 pair

Bernell Pick Up Sticks Game

Bernell Pick Up Sticks Game

A new twist on an old game. Scatter the sticks in a pile. Remove one at a time. Maybe a green then a red and alternate. Wear R/G goggles. If you make another stick move while removing one, you lose! Comes with 18 red and 18 green sticks which have rounded ends and cancel with […]

Bernell Computer And Multifocal Card

Bernell Computer And Multifocal Card

Specifically designed for patients requiring corrective multifocal eyewear. Card may be placed at different heights and distances to simulate the complete computer screen. Card is printed on two sides – one side shows a computer screen with Microsoft Word document with different font sizes. Simulates a 15″ computer monitor with shiny screen. It includes highlighted […]

Bernell Guide To Vision Therapy Book

Bernell Guide To Vision Therapy Book

Guide to Vision Therapy™ The complete problem solving guide to contemporary vision therapy. Notebook covers the full scope of current techniques and is an excellent reference/source manual for either professionals or students. Features individual training techniques with take-home instruction sheets provided. New format is a 3 ring binder to make copying easier. 190 pages