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Haag-Streit Fundus Lens

Haag-Streit Fundus Lens LE1HS901

The Haag-Streit 901 Fundus lens is for the binocular slit observation of the pupil, the macula and its surroundings to 30°, and the central vitreous body sections.

Ocular Abraham Iridectomy Lens

Ocular Abraham Iridectomy

A 66D magnifying lens for viewing the patient’s iris. The power density of the laser beam at the iris is increased 2.5x compared with a flat lens. A 50 micron spot size setting yields a 31 micron spot on the iris. The lens provides additional safety by reducing the power density at the cornea and […]

Ocular Abraham Iridectomy YAG Lens

Ocular Abraham Iridectomy YAG Lens

A 10mm diameter, 66D magnifying button in the anterior surface of the lens is positioned over the peripheral iris to give a clear view of the iridectomy site. Laser efficiency is increased compared with using no lens. The lens also helps stabilize the patient’s eye and retains the eye lids.

Bausch & Lomb Keratometer Bulb

Bausch & Lomb Keratometer Bulb

Bausch & Lomb Keratometer Bulb for B&L Style Keratometers. Clear 15 watt, 110 volt bulb fits A.O./Reichert, Bausch & Lomb, Woodlyn etc.

Marco Internal Illumination Bulb (K-II)

Marco Internal Illumination Bulb (K-II)

Internal illumination bulb for the Marco Keratometer K-II. For use in Keratometers by optometric, ophthalmic, and other industry professionals. 120V Also known as 3007 Click on specifications tab for more

Welch Allyn Battery for 72200

Welch Allyn Battery for 72200

Equipment Models: 71000, 71001, 71015, 71020, 71050, 71051, 71054, 71055, 71670 Equipment Manufacturer: Welch Allyn Manufacturer Part Number: 72200 Instrument Type: Handle Battery Chemistry: Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Voltage: 3.5V

Good Lite Clear Pupilometer Ruler


Pupil sizes from 1.5 to 10 mm in 0.5 mm increments are easily measured. Can be used vertically or horizontally. The reverse side has a mm scale for measurement of PD. Ruler is printed on clear semi-rigid plastic.

Good Lite 4″ Optokinetic Drum (Black/White Stripes)

Good Lite 4" Optokinetic Drum

Optokinetic Drum accurately tests for nystagmus when rotated at 8-10 rpm. Lightweight drum of professional quality with ball bearings for effortless spin mechanism. Standard black and white striped drum for use 24″ to 30″ from patient. 4″ high by 6″ diameter (10 cm x 15 cm).

Good Lite Slant Thorington Card


The Adult Thorington Card quickly measures heterophoria using a combination of numbers and letters. The near card is used with a Maddox Rod. Scoring reveals if the patient has normal alignment when fusion is broken or if the patient has abnormal alignment. The card helps diagnose uncrossed or crossed diplopia and RhypoP, LhyperP, RhyperP and […]