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Good Lite Lea Symbols Distance Screener

Good Lite Lea Symbols Distance Screener

This test is designed for amblyopia screening and testing children who have difficulties when tested with the standard distance charts. The background is gray with the exception of a white rectangle spaced at 50% surrounding each line of symbols. Line sizes range from 20/80 to 20/16 (6/24 to 6/4.8) equivalent, 0.25 to 1.25. Includes response […]

Good Lite Lea Symbols Pocket Card

Good Lite Lea Symbols Pocket Card

A pediatric near vision card featuring LEA SYMBOLS® for testing children or illiterate adults at 16″ (40 cm). Its small size makes it easy to carry or store. The front side contains proportionally-spaced lines in logarithmic progression with line sizes ranging from 20/400 to 20/10 (6/120 to 6/3) equivalent. The reverse side features the symbols in […]

Good Lite Lea Symbols Translucent ETDRS Distance Chart


A LEA SYMBOLS® translucent distance chart with proportionally spaced optotypes (logMAR). Line sizes range from 20/125 to 20/8 (6/38 to 6/2.4) equivalent, 0.16 to 2.50 for repetitive or monocular vision testing (left eye/right eye). 

Good Lite Sight Line Handheld Vision Screening Flip Book


Sight Line, a critical line flipbook used at a 10-foot (3 meters) screening distance, includes NCCVEH-optotypes: LEA SYMBOLS®. Each card contains five LEA SYMBOLS® optotypes surrounded by a 50%-spaced crowding box. This critical line test of visual acuity includes: 2 lines of 20/50 for children ages 3 years for screening each eye monocularly. 2 lines of 20/40 […]

Good Lite Lea Symbols Book with Crowding Bars

A handheld vision test with LEA SYMBOLS®. This test features 50% spaced contour interaction bars to provide single optotype acuity with the proper crowding effect. Features optotype line sizes from 20/100 to 20/20 (6/30 to 6/6) equivalent. This book can also be used for vision testing of illiterate adults or geriatric patients. Includes a response […]

Good Lite Lea Symbols Massachusetts Screening Flip Chart


A pediatric vision screening test with LEA SYMBOLS®. This test was designed specifically for the Massachusetts Preschool Vision Screening Protocol. Includes one practice card, two line sizes of 20/40 for 3 year olds, two lines sizes of 20/32 for 4+ year olds, a response key, and a Massachusetts Vision Screening Protocol guide. Contains 4 offset […]

Good Lite Lea Symbols Colenbrander Chart

This test is designed for testing children and adults with visual impairment at a distance of one meter. The largest symbols are 50M in size, corresponding to 1m/50M = to 1/50 or decimal visual acuity 0.02, equivalent values 20/1000, 6/300. The smallest symbols are 1M in size corresponding to 1m/1M = to 1/1 or decimal […]

Good Lite Lea Symbols Massachusetts Near Vision Screener

This assessment tool is designed for amblyopia testing or screening. This near vision chart has 50% spaced rectangles (Massachusetts Visual Acuity Test format) with line sizes from 20/400 to 20/16 (6/120 to 6/4.8) equivalent. The attached 16″ (40cm) cord ensures proper testing distance. A response key is printed on the test card. Includes flash cards […]

Good Lite Lea Symbols Massachusetts Chart

A LEA SYMBOLS® Pediatric vision chart with 50% spaced rectangles (Massachusetts Visual Acuity Test format). Line sizes range from 20/80 to 20/16 (6/24 to 6/4.8) equivalent. This chart can either be wall mounted or used in an ESV1200, ESV1500, or a Model A+ illuminated cabinet. Set includes the chart, a response key, and instructions. Dimensions: 9″ x 14″ (22.9 cm x […]

Good Lite Lea Symbols Mass Test Near Card

This test assesses the functional vision of a child at near distances and can also be used to familiarize a child with the testing procedure before introducing a distance test. Features proportionally spaced (logMAR) lines on one side and more tightly-spaced symbols on the opposite side. Line sizes range from 20/400 to 20/10 (6/120 to […]