Ocular MaxLight High Mag 78D Lens (Black)

Unique combination of magnification and field. High resolution to examine fine detail. Image Mag: .93x Laser Spot Mag: 1.07x Static FOV: 84° Dynamic FOV: 139° Working Distance: 8mm Clear Aperture: 29mm Lens Weight: 17g
Ocular MaxField 40D Lens (Black)

Quick scanning lens that works well through small pupils. For use during pediatric examinations. Features a computer optimized aspheric design for maximum resolution and field of view. Our advanced Laserlight® HD anti-reflective coating offers a brighter and clearer image. Image Mag: 1.49x Laser Spot Mag: .67x Static FOV: 82° Working Distance: 14mm Clear Aperture: 34mm Lens Weight: 32g
Ocular MaxLight 28D Lens (Black)

Excellent lens for use during pediatric examinations. Excellent general purpose lens. Small diameter, easy to handle. Popular for examining children. Image Mag: 2.13x Laser Spot Mag: .47x Static FOV: 58° Working Distance: 29mm Clear Aperture: 38mm Lens Weight: 22g
Ocular MaxField 30D Lens (Black)

10% more field than a 28D. Features a computer optimized aspheric design for maximum resolution and field of view. Our advanced Laserlight® HD anti-reflective coating offers a brighter and clearer image. Image Mag: 1.97x Laser Spot Mag: .51x Static FOV: 63° Working Distance: 26mm Clear Aperture: 38mm Lens Weight: 38g
Ocular MaxAC 20D Lens (Autoclavable)

Provides ultra high resolution retinal image with the B.I.O. during clinical practice or in the Operating Room. Features computer optimized aspheric design for maximum resolution and field of view. STEAM AUTOCLAVABLE. Lens not sold in autoclavable case. Image Mag: 3.03x Laser Spot Mag: .33x Static FOV: 50° Working Distance: 47mm Clear Aperture: 48mm Lens Weight: […]
Ocular Hoskins Nylon Suture

The Hoskins lens is designed for laser suture lysis after trabeculectomy or cataract surgery. The lens compresses conjunctival blood vessels and provides a clear view of the sutures. The flange holds the eye lid out of the way. Image Mag: 1.20x Laser Spot Mag: .83x Contact Diameter: 3mm Handle Length: 79mm
Ocular Fundus Laser Lens

This “Goldmann” type fundus lens provides clear visualization of the posterior pole. Using the NMR-K (Kapetansky) style contact surface design, direct examination and laser treatment of the posterior pole can be performed without methylcellulose. Image Mag: .93x Laser Spot Mag: 1.08x Contact Diameter: 15.5mm Lens Height: 16.5mm Static FOV: 36°
Ocular MaxAC Casulotomy Lens

Featuring high quality glass optic,13.2mm contact diameter, 1.8x magnification, and economical reprocessing. Compatible with all standard steam sterilization cycles. Image Mag: 1.8x Laser Spot Mag: .56x Contact Diameter: 13.2mm Lens Height: 17.3mm
Ocular Abraham Capsulotomy Lens

Stabilizes the patient’s eye and minimizes the possibility of pitting the IOL during Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy. A 10mm diameter, 66D magnifying button in the center of the lens enhances visualization and allows precise laser focus on the posterior capsule. Image Mag: 1.8x Laser Spot Mag: .56x Contact Diameter: 15.5mm Lens Height: 16.5mm
Ocular Imaging Eye Model (7mm)

Designed to accurately simulate human eye. Model includes natural surfaces of human eye including anterior chamber and crystalline lens Every effort has been made to duplicate pathological problems found in the human eye. Provides a stable fixed model for evaluation and training. Arteries emanate from the disc with a fluorescent character allowing simulated fluorescein imaging […]