Volk 60D Aspheric Lens

The 60D lens is one of the high magnification fundoscopy lenses used for a thorough and detailed examination of the central retina such as the macula and the nerve head. The trademark double aspheric design provides excellent detail and imaging for detecting subtle details and indications of retinal abnormalities. The optical profile of this lens […]
Volk Blumenthal Suturelysis Laser Lens

This lens is designed for laser removal of sutures on the ocular surface. The unique tip of this lens is designed to alleviate compressive force on the cornea for visualizing and removal of deep-seated sutures thus decreasing patient discomfort. The tip of the lens magnifies the sutures 2-3 times to facilitate visualization and placement of the laser beam at all […]
Volk Capsulotomy Laser Lens

Experience crystal clear, high magnification views of the posterior lens capsule for clearing opacified lenticular tissue for post-cataract/secondary cataract YAG laser treatment. The superior optical design provides a tight focus of the laser spot for precise and safe laser application reducing the chance of pitting/damaging the IOL. The short lens body allows enhanced clearance between the […]
Volk Macula Plus 5.5 BIO Lens

This lens sports a 5.5x magnification, the highest in the BIO lens range, ideal for optic disk and macular examination. The double aspheric design provides excellent stereopsis for detecting subtle details and indications of retinal abnormalities. The optical profile of this lens requires a longer working distance of 80 mm from the patient. An adapter […]
Volk 25D Aspheric Lens

This lens is designed general retinal diagnosis with a field of view that is greater than the usual 20D. With a 2.54x magnification, this lens also provides detailed visualization of retinal structures. This lens can be used for dynamic wide field retinal imaging as well as posterior pole examination. Thus, this is lens is an […]
Volk 40D Aspheric Lens

With the widest field of view in the BIO lens range, this lens offers visualization out to the far peripheral retina albeit with a lower magnification of 1.67x. This lens can be used to bypass small pupils or for quick dilation free BIO examination. A preferred choice in pediatrics for the same reason, this lens […]
S4Optik 78D Aspheric Lens

Clear and bright image, wider effective diameters, multilayer coating on lenses greatly reduce reflections, undistorted peripheral visual field, easy-to-hold high quality lens frames. Effective diameter: 52mm Focal length: 71.4mm Center thickness: 12mm Field of view: 35 degree Working distance: 77mm Weight: 60g
S4Optik 90D Aspheric Lens

Clear and bright image, wider effective diameters, multilayer coating on lenses greatly reduce reflections, undistorted peripheral visual field, easy-to-hold high quality lens frames. Effective diameter: 21mm Focal length: 11.1mm Center thickness: 10mm Field of view: 60 deg Working distance: 6.0mm Weight: 19g
Ocular Wise Iridotomy-Sphincterotomy Lens

This lens features a 9mm diameter, 103D magnifying lens strategically aligned to optimize small spot laser delivery. Laser power density at the iris is 2.7 times greater than with an Abraham lens and 6.9 times greater than with a flat lens. Increases treatment efficiency with less energy and shorter burn duration, even on thick brown […]
Ocular Yannuzzi Fundus Lens

Designed for viewing and treatment of the posterior pole. Large scleral flange allows greater control of the globe. Image Mag: .93x Laser Spot Mag: 1.08x Contact Diameter: 20mm Lens Height: 16.5mm Static FOV: 36°