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NIDEK RT-3100 Intelligent Refractor

The New RT-3100 Boasts a Compact Size & Lightening Fast Examinations. The RT-3100 represents the ease of auto examinations with easy operation and consistent results each time with every operator. The built-in Eye Care card system, printer and simple software updates, support the examination practice. In addition to these functions, connection to EMR (Electric Medical […]

NIDEK COS-6100 Compact Refraction System

The COS-6100 is a highly advanced and space saving ophthalmic workstation incorporating a computerized refractor, auto ref/keratometer, space saving chart, and lensmeter. The COS-6100 brings together all of the components of the refraction process to one compact package that allows expedited refractions in 1/3 the space of a conventional exam room. The SSC-350CG projection system controls […]

NIDEK RHU-1500 Robotic Handling Unit

Automatic lens handling The RHU-1500 enables automatic lens handling from feeding into the SE-9090 series and AHM-1000 Supra through unloading from them. * The SE-9090 Supra L and AHM-1000 Supra are also included in the photo.The RHU-1500 in the photo is type S. FEATURES Automatic lens handling Small footprint High speed conveyance Great adaptability for […]

NIDEK RHU-1000 Robotic Handling Unit

The RHU-1000 enables automatic lens handling from feeding into the SE-9090 Supra / Supra L through unloading from them. FEATURES Automatic lens handling Two types of lens feeders High speed conveyance Great adaptability for any edging laboratory Easy operation and maintenance

NIDEK ME-1500 Multifunction Edger

NIDEK’s flagship model, the ME-1500, boasts comprehensive technology to deliver expert lens edging. True to its name of “multifunction edger”, the expanded features such as drilling, high base curve lens processing, and design functions allow processing a wide array of frames. FEATURES Masterful lens edging The ME-1500 offers a multitude of lens processing options based on […]

NIDEK LT-1200 Satellite Tracer

Vital performance for accurate lens fit, tracing is the essential foundation for well-constructed eyeglasses. The advancedtechnology of the LT-1200 / 980 tracers delivers the ultimate fit and finish of eyewear. The LT-1200 / 980 can be used as a web tracer without the need for a PC. In addition, it can be operated remotely with […]

NIDEK ICE-1500 Intelligent Blocker

Born from the pursuit of precision – A masterpiece in blocking. NIDEK proudly introduces the ICE-1500, a super intelligent blocker. Precise blocking is the foundation for all lens processing. Perfectly manufactured eyewear results in enhanced customer satisfaction. The ICE-1500 plays an important role in lens edging. Working behind the scenes, it ultimately provides support for […]

NIDEK ICE-1 Intelligent Blocker

The ICE-1 is an easy-to-use intelligent blocker with consistent accuracy and stability in blocking. As developed with emphasis on usability, this instrument offers operators a remarkably comfortable experience. Various editing functions that realize customer’s demands can be used intuitively on the screen. With comfortable operation using a stylus pen and numeric keys, hole and lens […]

NIDEK AHM-1000 Supra Automatic Drilling Unit

Automatic drilling and grooving for industrial labs The AHM-1000 Supra unit provides automatic 3-D drilling and 3-D grooving for various frame styles. FEATURES Combined with the RHU-1500 and SE-9090 series, the AHM-1000 Supra offers automatic and continuous lens processing for labs with conveyor belt or stacker configurations. Automatic 3-D hole drilling according to the spherical […]

PSI NH-100 Mini Hand Edger

NH-100 high speed manual lens edging machine,quality hand lens edger. Conical shape wheel Original appearance design Clock wise or Anti-Clock wise rotation Good adding and draining water system Push selector switch to change the rotating direction Built-in water container Metal bond diamond with “V” Good grinding effects: smooth and fine