Wall Chart Reversed Snellen 20′

Brand: Generic


Wall Chart Reversed Snellen 20' - Available through INNOVA, Canada's trusted source for ophthalmic equipment and supplies.

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The Reverse Snellen Letter Eye Chart is designed to be read by the patient through an Ophthalmic Viewing Mirror in order to achieve a greater viewing distance.

This chart is useful when the exam room is too small for the patient to read a standard Snellen 20ft Distance Eye Chart directly. This reverse letter chart is an exact mirror image of that chart.

The Reverse Snellen Visual Acuity Chart has a rating of: 20/15 to 20/200.

This classic letter eye chart is made of extra strong, non-reflecting, matte finish cardboard, with a brass eyelet for wall mounting. Blue, red and green bars not only serve as a reference point, but also hint as to a patient’s color perception.