For the most realistic Phaco experience using actual settings. Whether you are a beginning surgeon just learning phaco or an experienced surgeon looking to try new settings or get familiar with a new phaco machine, PhacoMaster™ has you covered.
Design features:
Reusable Base Unit
Multi-Use Eye Fronts with 7.5mm pupil
Single-use Lens+Capsule assembly
Quick and easy set-up
Easily replace lens between cases
There is no need to crank up settings to their max to see a response
Realistic fluid use per case
Excellent red reflex
Pre-made 5.5mm capsulorhexis
Translucent lens
Excellent fluidics and followability
Learn chopping techniques
Visualize surge and chamber shallowing
Learn how to adjust settings to optimize performance
Product Name | Description for each kit |
SimulEYE® PhacoMaster Kit | KIT for PhacoMaster — 1 Reusable PhacoMaster Base Unit, 1 Multi-Use Eye Front 2 Pack (7.5mm pupil), 1 Lens+Capsule 5 pack |
SimulEYE® PhacoMaster Lens+Capsule – 5 Pack | SimulEYE® Lens+Capsule Refill Pack for PhacoMaster — 5 Pack |
SimulEYE® Phaco-Complex – 1 Pack | SimulEYE® for Complex Anterior Segment Surgery – Realistic Iris with Small Pupil, Intact Anterior Capsule, Lens for Phaco & miLOOP, Ultra-Realistic Vitreous Body for Anterior Vitrectomy |
SimulEYE® Phaco-Complex – 2 Pack | SimulEYE® for Complex Anterior Segment Surgery – Realistic Iris with Small Pupil, Intact Anterior Capsule, Lens for Phaco & miLOOP, Ultra-Realistic Vitreous Body for Anterior Vitrectomy |