Good Lite HRR 4th Edition

Brand: Good Lite


The Good Lite HRR 4th Edition provides color vision testing.

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HRR 4th edition pseudoisochromatic test from Richmond Products includes the four demonstration plates, the six screener plates and the 14 diagnostic series for a total of 24 plates. Each of these plates has its own tab for easy and clean page selection. The test also includes a set of instructions in English and a laminated copy of the score sheet. The score sheet can then be copied directly onto the patient’s record or copies can be made locally. A pad of score sheets is available separately. The structure of the test in terms of sequence and plate layout is identical to the original HRR published by American optical. The only real difference is in the quality of the printing which has been improved by the use of the latest in genetic understanding and printing technology.


  • 6 plates for screening
  • 14 plates to diagnose color deficiency